Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy: 2022 - 2025

Share your views on our plans to support local people with life-limiting conditions or people approaching the end of their lives.


cover for palliative strategy

'Palliative Care' is the support and treatment provided when people are diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. The support extends to their families, friends and carers.

 When we refer to 'end of life care', we are describing the care provided to people whose health is declining and whose lives are coming to an inevitable close. It aims to help people to live as comfortably as possible in the time that they have left. This care can involve managing physical symptoms and providing emotional support for everyone involved. A major part of end-of-life care is discussing the future, ensuring people's needs and wishes are considered and reflected in the care that they receive.

Renfrewshire HSCP has been working closely with local partners to develop a new draft three-year Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy for Renfrewshire.

Share your thoughts

We would like your help to make sure we are proposing the best possible approach to support the people of Renfrewshire and that we have identified the right priorities.

Through our consultation questionnaire, we would like to hear about your own experiences and views of palliative and end of life care, your thoughts on our proposed priorities for the next three years and how we can improve upon our strategy.

We believe that palliative care is everyone's business - get involved and share your views.

Read the draft plan -   Draft Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy: 2022 - 2025 [650KB]

Submit your views Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy: 2022-25 - consultation questionnaire

Printable survey Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy: 2022-25 - consultation questionnaire [51KB]  please send paper copies to Renfrewshire House, the full address is on our contact us page

If you would prefer to share your views about this plan via email -

Closing date - 15 August 2022 


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