Renfrewshire's current demographics

NRS 2020 mid-year estimates

Renfrewshire Population - 179,390 

  • increase 0.2% from 2019

Male - 48.4%

Female - 51.6%

  • 30,182 (16.8%) - children aged 0-15 
  • 115,055 (64.1%) - adults aged 16-64
  • 34,153 (19%) - older adults aged 65 and over 

The population will increase to 181,091​ - 0.9% increase​ on 2020 population​

The 75 and over population will increase to 17,247​ - 11.6% increase​ on 2020 75+ population​



National Records of Scotland data in 2020 shows that in Renfrewshire:​

The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) population accounts for 2.8% of the overall local population​.

This equates to 4,781 people. Of these, 65% are Asian, 17% are African, 9% are from multiple ethnic backgrounds, 2% Caribbean and 7% from other ethnic groups​


Renfrewshire's current demographics: Social and economic inequalities

Deprivation and Inequalities

The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) assesses 6,976 small areas known as 'data zones'. 2020 figures show:

  • There are 2 'data zones' in Renfrewshire within the 10 most deprived zones nationally
  • Almost 25% of all data zones in Renfrewshire are in the 20% most deprived nationally (24.1% of 2020 population)
  • Renfrewshire has the 9th highest share of deprived data zones nationally (of 32 areas)

SIMD Domains

Individual SIMD Domains show that​:

Renfrewshire is more deprived compared to the Scotland average for Employment, Crime, Housing and Income.​

These social and economic inequalities can impact on self-esteem, happiness and participation in local communities and lead to poorer physical and mental health. In Renfrewshire, 28.9% of residents are in the 20% most-deprived areas nationally within health indicators.

Renfrewshire's current demographics: Health Inequalities

As part of the Fairer Scotland Duty, we will assess how our actions can reduce inequalities. We will work with partners to address the socio-economic and health inequalities outlined, including mitigating the negative impacts of the pandemic on our most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.​

  • People with a disability are twice as likely to face isolation and 71% have difficulty taking part in things locally (Glasgow Disability Alliance Action Research 2018)
  • It is estimated that in 2019/20 6,997 (23.1%) children in Renfrewshire were living in poverty after housing costs.  This is almost 1 in every 4 children.

Compared with the least deprived areas, in the most deprived communities across Scotland*:

  • people are 9 times more likely to have an alcohol-related admission to hospital
  • people are 18 times more likely to have a drug-related death
  • the rate of premature deaths (age 15-44) is almost five time higher
  • the rate of probable deaths by suicide is three times the rate of least deprived areas
  • men are likely to live 19 fewer years and the gap has increased by 1.3 years since 2008
  • women are likely to live 13.9 fewer years and the gap has increased by 1.6 years since 2008

*National Records of Scotland, 2021 and ScotPHO indicators


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The Impact of COVID


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