Embedding lived and living experience in how we plan and deliver services
We are committed to listening to the voices of people with lived and living experience at every stage of the development and delivery of our services. Their ideas and insight can help us to tailor services to ensure they meet the range of needs and challenges that people face every day.
We recognise though that while we have good examples of how we do this working with a number of our care groups, we have not progressed as far in some areas. This is a key area of focus in this Plan and we have refreshed our Care Planning Groups to help develop and deliver this Plan (more detail is provided on the next page).
We will continue to learn from where we do this well, for example in the development of the CIRCLE Recovery Hub and through our implementation of peer support models to support people to recover from addictions or mental ill-health. We will also continue to work with our partners to identify opportunities to improve. This commitment is embedded in many of the strategic objectives outlined in this Plan.
CIRCLE (Continuing in Recovery Changes Lives Entirely) has been developed to provide enhanced recovery-focused and trauma-informed support to local people who are on an addictions and/or mental health recovery journey. CIRCLE will provide people with improved recovery opportunities and improved links to and from other related services, ensuring individuals feel sufficiently supported throughout their journey. This will increase opportunities for people to have more independence and choice on how they manage their own recovery.
"It's amazing. This place is a complete blank canvas and it's all about what the service users want to see. Being in recovery, we know that you can feel invisible, but CIRCLE aims to reiterate that our service users are here and they're contributing to society again."
staff standing inside new recovery hub CIRCLE