Sustainable Futures

sustainable futures

Effective Use of Renfrewshire's Resources

What do we mean by effective use of Renfrewshire's resources?

As we have outlined in previous Strategic Plans, the medium-term financial outlook for public services continues to be very challenging.  Increasing demands such as an ageing population place greater pressure on the Partnership's available budgets and people.  COVID has also significantly impacted on our staff and we recognise the immeasurable contribution and effort of unpaid carers, which has increased during the pandemic and supports the overall sustainability of our services.​

We need to ensure that the services we provide are financially and environmentally sustainable and provide value for money.  This will require us to make difficult decisions to ensure that resources are effectively targeted.​

Further service transformation will be essential. This will consider how services are delivered and how our workforce is supported to deliver in changing circumstances.  There is also an opportunity to consider how Renfrewshire's resources, as a whole, can contribute to improving outcomes, and partnership working with providers and public and third sector partners will be an essential strand of the health and care system in Renfrewshire. 

"We recognise the financial sustainability challenges of the pre-COVID health and care system. We will design a new sustainable system, focused on reducing inequality and improving health and wellbeing outcomes, and sustainable communities." -  NHS Recovery Plan, 2021

The outcome we want to achieve:

We maximise the impact of our people and resources by working collaboratively across sectors to deliver integrated services.

Key Challenges

  • Remobilising services, using a consistent approach and pace, whilst maintaining flexibility and supporting staff with their health and wellbeing.​

  • Ongoing financial and demand pressures meaning savings continue to be required.​

  • Recruitment and retention challenges, including a shortage of care workers and specialist skills nationally and fixed term funding for posts, continues to stretch our workforce and impact on options for staff peer support and development opportunities.​

  • The HSCP's proposed transformation programme was paused due to the pandemic - the need for service redesign remains essential. ​

  • Quantifying the full extent of health and social care support provided across Renfrewshire as part of efforts to utilise our combined resources.​

  • Shifting the balance of care and investment in prevention and early intervention needs to happen alongside ongoing service provision.

Strategic Objectives


Sustainable 1 (new activity) 


Prioritise recovery from COVID at a consistent pace and develop transformation plans to reflect (i) national and local plans; (ii) staff wellbeing (iii) the themes and objectives set out in this Plan; (iv) the complexity of need arising from the pandemic's impact such as increased mental ill-health and prevalence of long COVID; and (v) the requirements for a National Care Service.  This will also link with any programme of work for the National Centre for Sustainable Development.

National Outcomes

  • All outcomes


Sustainable 2 (continuing activity) 


Work with partners, providers and the third sector to gather available data on health and social care demand and provision in Renfrewshire and develop a refreshed Market Facilitation Plan which sets out how service provision will be shaped in line with the themes set out in this Plan.

National Outcomes

  • Outcome 2
  • Outcome 4
  • Outcome 5
  • Outcome 9


Sustainable 3 (new activity) 


Develop a Climate Change (Net Zero) action plan for HSCP services to reflect and support Renfrewshire Council's Plan for Net Zero, working with the Council's Climate Change Sub-committee, and taking into account the Scottish Government's commitments in the 2021-22 Programme for Government.

National Outcomes

  • Outcome 9


Sustainable 4 (continuing activity) 


Further develop how the HSCP works in partnership with the third sector, partners and providers, building on the positive developments achieved during COVID.  We will embed coproduction in service design to ensure Renfrewshire's resources are structured around supporting people in the most meaningful way to them.

National Outcomes

  • All outcomes


Sustainable 5 (continuing activity) 


Work with our partners to deliver joint strategic objectives and plans, including (but not limited to) Moving Forward Together, Renfrewshire's Social Renewal Plan (developed with the Community Planning Partnership), and the Children's Integrated Partnership Plan.

National Outcomes

  • Outcome 9


Sustainable 6 (continuing activity) 


Review the Unpaid Carer Short Breaks Services Statement and strengthen the partnership approach to supporting unpaid carers to access personalised breaks from caring, using innovative ways to achieve positive outcomes and sustain carers in the essential support they provide. 

National Outcomes

  • Outcome 6


Sustainable 7 (new activity) 


Work with partners to develop and implement a Workforce Plan for 2022-25, considering both the HSCP and wider health and social care system and with a focus on enhancing recruitment and retention, training and development, career pathways and employability opportunities.

National Outcomes

  • Outcome 8
  • Outcome 9

Sustainable Futures: Some Examples

Renfrewshire Learning Disability Service: Using Digital to stay in touch during COVID

Amidst the challenges of the pandemic, Renfrewshire Learning Disabilities Service (RLDS) worked hard to find alternative ways to connect with and support people.

Through crisis we identified an opportunity and worked collectively across the service to find ways to digitally include and engage with as many individuals as possible, source equipment, upskill / develop and most importantly build real and meaningful content.

Staff, supported by people and carers, came together to develop this new approach and the online groups and support have been highly valued.  A video created to showcase the changes made can be found online.

Community In-Reach Service

The Community In-Reach service aims to prevent unnecessary admissions and re-admissions to hospital.

The service supported an individual with a diagnosis of Bi-Polar Effective Disorder following admission to hospital. Over the course of several discussions, a therapeutic relationship was established, and the individual was supported to agree a comprehensive package of care to help sustain a safe and supported discharge plan. With consent, the individual's referrals were implemented, and family were kept in regular contact.  

The individual has since benefited from the longest period where readmission has not been required due to the coordinated discharge planning.

Next section:

Improving Health and Wellbeing in our Communities: Priorities​

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