Examples of some of our funded projects

Place and Connectedness

We are working alongside Roar - Connections for Life to improve  connectedness and reduce loneliness and isolation, focussing initially on the East End of Paisley. A community fun day took place in August 2021 to begin the conversation about what would help and a number of local groups and organisations are now involved in a Connectedness Network.

Mental Health

RAMH received funding from us to create information about what supports are available to people in a range of languages, and to circulate them in hard copy as well as digitally. This was in recognition of the fact that lots of people, particularly people from black and ethnic minority communities, often don't have access to online resources.

Healthy and Active Living

Active Communities and Renfrewshire Leisure have been working together with a number of other local organisations to make healthy choices easy choices by ensuring that being active and eating well are accessible, affordable, enjoyable and local. They have trained local people to become community health champions and aim to develop a network of local tutors who can train people in the likes of physical activity, healthy eating and positive mental health.


We are providing funding to Renfrewshire's new Integration Network. 'IN-Ren', to enable the co-ordinator to focus on health inequalities. IN-Ren is a forum for people from minority ethnic backgrounds which will allow them to become more involved in all aspects of community planning. Our aim is to work with the Network to ensure more diversity in all of our groups so that we can address the significant inequalities that exist for people from minority ethnic communities.

Children and Vulnerable Families

Families Together is an HSCP funded projected, delivered by Home Start and other partners, to support families with the transitional experiences in early years to nursery and school. The focus is on families who have not previously engaged with pre-school establishments for many reasons, including lack of confidence and trust. Groups meet in a range of locations and provide face to face interaction and family time outwith the family home. 

Future Focus

As well as continuing to build on and embed the work currently underway, we will also focus on the following over the next 3 years:


Housing as a Health issue

What we will do

  • Develop a peer led approach to prevent homelessness.
  • Work with housing colleagues across sectors to meet objectives outlined in the Housing Contribution Statement.

National outcome

Outcome 2



What we will do

  • Work with Community Planning partners to alleviate the health issues caused by poverty, including for people with disabilities.

National outcome

Outcome 5

Next section:

The role of Housing: Housing Contribution Summary​

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