Theme 1: Housing as a Health Issue

There is a fundamental relationship between housing, health and wellbeing and it is widely accepted that health is largely shaped by factors beyond access to healthcare. The factors that influence health are also known as the social determinants of health.​

To improve health and wellbeing and tackle health inequalities everyone should have access to a warm, dry, safe, affordable home which meets their needs. We recognise that housing can influence health through condition, overcrowding, security of tenure and matching people's housing needs with an appropriate home.​

It is therefore essential that new and existing housing supply recognises these factors.

Social determinants of health

  • Childhood experiences
  • Housing
  • Education
  • Family income
  • Employment
  • Our communities
  • Social support
  • Access to healthcare

What we know:

  • It is important to ensure that there is an increased supply of affordable housing which is made available to meet identified housing need
  • Low-income households are more likely to be impacted by fuel poverty
  • Living in cold and damp homes is associated with higher mortality rates and cold-related ill health
  • A proportion of people experiencing homelessness have poor health outcomes which may cause premature mortality
  • Place-based approaches can improve the quality of homes and neighbourhoods and support the health and wellbeing of communities

Priorities and Actions

  • Tackling deep-rooted health inequalities in our most deprived communities ​
  • Tackling fuel poverty ​
  • Supporting Renfrewshire's ambition to be net zero by 2030​
  • Support the implementation of the recommendations from Renfrewshire's Alcohol and Drugs Commission​
  • Provision of appropriate services and accommodation for homeless clients with complex needs and support a  'No wrong door approach' to the prevention of homelessness.


Housing Contribution Summary 1


Support the development of the Council's innovative Regeneration and Renewal Programme to:

  • Deliver energy efficient and digitally enabled homes in sustainable locations which reflect Renfrewshire Council's commitment to net zero carbon emissions, which will reduce poor energy efficiency as a driver for fuel poverty.​

  • Develop and implement a multi-disciplinary approach to neighbourhood renewal plans and investing in our communities.

National Outcomes

National Outcome 1. People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer.


Housing Contribution Summary 2


Support the delivery of energy improvements to existing social  housing stock across all tenures and support owners to undertake energy efficiency improvements through area-based schemes.

National Outcomes

National Outcome 1. People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer.


Housing Contribution Summary 3


Building on the rapid rehousing approach  to ensure access to specialist services is readily available via robust pathways for homeless people with complex needs, including mental health and harmful alcohol and/or drugs use.

National Outcomes

National Outcome 1. People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer.


Housing Contribution Summary 4


Continue to strengthen our approach to prevention and repeat homelessness by providing holistic wraparound support to households in Renfrewshire, regardless of tenure, whose life is being affected by alcohol and/or drugs. This will be enhanced by the fuller programme of work which has been developed in response to the recommendations of the independent Alcohol and Drugs Commission. 

National Outcomes

National Outcome 1. People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer.


Housing Contribution Summary 5


Developing an integrated approach to housing advice across Renfrewshire, building on existing offerings from the Council and the Linstone Housing Hub funded by the HSCP.

National Outcomes

National Outcome 1. People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer.


Next page: 

Theme 2: Supporting People to live independently at home

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