As our 'Plan on a Page' sets out, the HSCP has identified several key 'enablers', which are those areas of activity which apply across all of the services provided and activity undertaken by the Partnership. These enablers inform this Strategic Plan and are the foundations which ensure that we are equipped as an organisation to deliver on our objectives and priorities. We set out on this and the following page why they are important for us and how we will take forward activity in these areas.
Workforce and Organisational Development
Why this enabler is important:
Supporting our workforce beyond the pandemic is critical to our success. Alongside this we need to ensure that we address emerging working challenges such as recruitment and retention whilst providing access to development opportunities and empowering our staff to maximise the contribution they are able to make.
Key challenges:
Ongoing recruitment and retention challenges in several services (Care at Home, District Nursing, CAMHS, Psychotherapies).
Our Staff are exhausted due to demands of the pandemic on our services.
Our workforce is ageing, a challenge faced nationally.
Ensuring staff have access to the training and development they want and need to develop their careers.
Enabler 1: We will develop a Workforce Plan for 2022-25 setting out how we will address these challenges.
Digital and Data
Why this enabler is important:
Digital technology has been a crucial element of our pandemic response. It provides us with the opportunity, where appropriate, to broaden how people are informed about, and access, services. It can also help people to maintain their independence for longer.
Key challenges:
The HSCP's technology infrastructure is provided by our partner organisations and our systems are not all fully integrated. Our partners also maintain separate digital strategies and governance.
Enhancing digital participation whilst recognising that digital technology is not appropriate in all circumstances - it must be part of a mixed approach to service provision.
Maximising our use of data to inform service development.
Enabler 2: We will agree digital priorities with our partners, reflecting the updated national Digital Health and Care Strategy and local needs.
Why this enabler is important:
The HSCP utilises a broad property portfolio which is collectively owned or leased by NHS GGC and Renfrewshire Council. This property needs to help us deliver services in changing ways, reflecting new ways of working. We work closely with our partners to ensure our buildings match our needs into the future.
Key challenges:
Shaping our estate to reflect the changes and impact of COVID will take time, ensuring that our use of property works for services and staff.
Creating a coherent property strategy across the NHS and Council estate is inherently complex.
Enabler 3: We will work with NHS GGC and Renfrewshire Council to agree joint property priorities.
Communication and Engagement
Why this enabler is important:
Communicating and engaging well is at the heart of providing effective services. Our approach, developed during the pandemic, gives us a range of tools for involving people in conversation around our services during this Plan. We will continue to develop our approach to involve communities and those with lived and living experience.
Key challenges:
Communicating digitally where face to face is not possible extends our reach but does not meet everyone's needs.
Every individual and group will have communication preferences which can differ from others.
Enabler 4: We will refresh our Participation, Engagement and Communication (PEC) Strategy and implement through a supporting PEC group.
Clinical and Care Governance
Why this enabler is important:
Clinical and care governance is our system that ensures our care and outcomes are of a high standard for users of services. This governance does not exist in isolation but overlaps with our themes and other enablers
Key challenges:
Service capacity and increasing demand as we move through and out of the pandemic.
Recruitment and retention (as noted under workforce) which is required to continuously improve the quality of care.
Enabler 5: We will maintain and refine our Clinical and Care Governance monitoring and reporting arrangements.