Speech & Language Therapy

Our team of speech and language therapists and trained clinical support workers works with children up to 18 years of age to help your child develop the best possible communication skills they are capable of.

Children's Services / young children playing

We aim to enable parents and other carers to support children's speech, language, communication or swallowing needs in everyday environments.

We achieve this by training and supporting you and others to make the most of your child's unique abilities. We also work directly with some children.

If you are concerned about your child's speech, language, communication or feeding/swallowing, you can talk to your GP, health visitor, school or other professional involved with your child about a referral to us.

You are also welcome to contact us directly if you would like to discuss any aspect of your child's speech, language and communication development or if you would like some advice.

Referrals can be received from your GP, Health Visitor, School or other professionals who may be involved with your child's health.

Specialist Children's Services
Aranthrue Centre
103 Paisley Rd

Tel:  0141 314 4601

Speech & Language Therapy Drop-in Advice Clinics


What is a Speech and Language Therapy Drop-in Clinic?

The Drop-in Clinic is a session for parents/carers who want advice about their child's speech and/or language development. You will have the opportunity to discuss your child's development with a Speech and Language Therapist.

Your health visitor, GP or your child's nursery/school may recommend that you access one of our Drop-in Clinic sessions. They are open to families who live in Renfrewshire.

There are both Face to Face and Digital Drop-in sessions available at clinics across Renfrewshire. You can attend any session with your child, no matter where you live Renfrewshire.

Please phone our booking line on a Wednesday between 10-12 to book your drop-in sessionThe phone number is 0141 314 4604.


What will happen at the Drop-in Clinic?

We will ask you to tell us about your child's speech, language and communication development.  We will give you advice on how to support your child to develop their speech, language and communication skills including tips to try at home or useful web sites to look at.

We may do a short evaluation of your child's speech and language skills using simple screening checklists with you or we may do this by watching and joining in with your child in play activities.

We may agree the next step for your child, which might include a therapy home pack or a referral for a detailed assessment by a Speech and Language Therapist.

Clinics are held each month at clinics across Renfrewshire. You can attend any session with your child, no matter where you live Renfrewshire.

Please note that you must be the parent or legal guardian of the child accessing the drop-in clinic.  We will be unable to continue with the consultation if this is not the case.

You must book a slot for your drop-in session by calling our booking line on 0141 314 4604 on a Wednesday between 10am-12noon.  You can attend any clinic.

You can choose between a face-to-face drop-in session or a digital appointment. 

You do not attend the clinic for a ddigital appointment.


Monday clinic - runs monthly 

Renfrew Health and Social Work Centre 
10 Ferry Road 

Tuesday clinic - runs monthly 

Johnstone Health Centre
60 Quarry Street 

Wednesday clinic - runs weekly 

SLT Advice Line - (Advice for both Parents and Professionals)

0141 314 4624

Thursday clinic - runs monthly 

Aranthrue Centre
103 Paisley Road

Friday clinic - runs monthly 

Bargarran Square

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