Dear colleagues,
Today, 12 May is recognised as International Nurses Day as it coincides with the birthday of Florence Nightingale.
With the current restrictions, it is challenging to formally recognise the contribution of our communit nurses, although we are acutely aware that they have been and continue to make a significant contribution at this challenging time. Their work spans all our nursing services including District Nursing, Children and Families Nursing, Mental Health, Addictions and Learning Disability Nursing.
We know that our staff are working incredibly hard to keep those in our care as safe as possible, both from a business as usual perspective and also embracing new ways of working which may be quite different from normal. This development has required their creativity and innovation.
They are inspiring us daily with their dedication and commitment to providing compassionate care, while dealing with increased and demanding workloads.
They continue to provide exceptional support for patients, families and each other. This includes acknowledging the significant emotional demands of dealing with the impacts of COVID-19.
There has been heightened social media interest to raise the profile of community nursing, sometimes referred to as the invisible workforce. This aims to ensure we continue to sustain and develop community nursing services both now and in the future. This is welcomed and encouraged. I am now happy to say we are beginning to implement new models and pathways across Community Nursing and I am excited to see what benefits that may bring for patients and families.
We hope to recognise staff later in the year with a QNIS Long Service Awards event (those nurses with 21 or more years' service). In the meantime, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our community nurses for the invaluable work they are doing, day in, day out.
Be kind to yourselves and each other.
Karen Jarvis
Chief Nurse