Gerard Higgins - acting unit manager of Hunterhill care home. Gerard tells us how staff and residents had to adapt to the pandemic...and how he is looking forward to the day we can all meet in person again...

"When the pandemic started it forced us to think on our feet and make decisions quickly, as the situation was constantly changing.
"Our immediate concern was for the residents living within the care home - we had to make sure everything was in place to support them and staff, for example PPE. We also had to make sure all infection prevention and control measures were in place.
"We had to spend more time supporting residents with all aspects of care - not only physical support but emotional support too. Staff also needed more support due to the concerns they had over the impact of Covid on themselves, their families, and residents
"Plus, we had to ensure residents maintained contact with their families due to visiting stopping
"Over the long term, the importance of social care in our communities in promoting the wellbeing of people has become more evident than ever
"The job has changed in a few ways. Families are missing face to face contact and touch. Personal Protective Equipment now in use always and our ways of working and getting to work have changed, ie staff can't now share cars.
"Staffing levels have also had to increase to offer the highest level of support possible to the residents and to their families.
"I have been proud of the staff unity and dedication to their roles in doing everything possible to support residents, residents' families, and their colleagues during the pandemic.
Staff have had to become more like family to the residents and offer high levels of emotional support in the absence of family
"We've also seen the use of technology to keep residents and families connected and maintain relationships, ie iPads and mobile phones for Skype etc.
"I truly feel we adapted very quickly to the pandemic and did all we could to support the residents. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but I feel all steps that were taken were for the good of the residents to offer maximum protection to them at the start of a very difficult time
"My hopes for the future are that one day we will all be able to meet our family and friends again rather than on video call, that families will all come together again in safety, and that life will return back to normal."