New cabins at Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership care homes make visiting a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Recognising the potential for national guidance on visiting to be in place for some time to come, the HSCP have developed the cabins at each of its 'older adult' care homes as a long-term investment.
The new cabins will provide comfortable, heated environments, while allowing adequate airflow to minimise the risk of infection. Ground works have incorporated elements of electrical works, landscaping, improved pathways, and new raised beds to bring each cabin to fruition.
A Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership spokesperson said: "Across the winter, we have implemented temporary options for visitors, in line with national guidance. However, there was an aspiration to find a long-term solution that would provide outdoor spaces for each care home - away from the main care home buildings - where residents could meet with their families and friends, in a more comfortable environment.
"The Cabins will be used in the medium term to facilitate visiting arrangements in the garden spaces, with a longer-term aspiration to use the Cabins as part of the outdoor spaces for residents to enjoy as one of their outdoor options.
Cllr. Jacqueline Cameron, Chair of the Renfrewshire Integration Joint Board added: "I'm delighted to see the introduction of these cabins in the grounds of our older adult care homes. The pandemic has been particularly challenging for all care home residents, their families and loved ones. This investment will help improve the overall visiting experience while we are still following national safety guidance.