Setting out our principles for future commissioning

The Current Context for Market Facilitation

The development of Market Facilitation Plans or Statements is a requirement under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.  These plans aim to inform, influence and adapt service delivery to ensure that the right services are available at the right time.​

Renfrewshire HSCP published a Market Facilitation Plan in 2019.   This Plan set out the key drivers which would shape local health and social care services, the HSCP's priorities and how we would focus our activity to deliver them, and the interdependencies with our financial plans.​

The direction of travel that we have set out in this Strategic Plan, described through our strategic themes and health and wellbeing priorities, represent in many ways a progression of the objectives we set out in our 2019 Market Facilitation Plan. This Plan can help our third sector and providers consider how their services can develop. ​

Many of the challenges we face now, and will face in the future, remain the same. However, we also recognise that this Strategic Plan has been developed at a time of uncertainty and taking this into consideration, we do not think that it is appropriate to set out a revised Market Facilitation Plan at this time.  We will take the opportunity to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on the nature of demand for our services and will use this to inform the development of an updated plan during 2022/23. ​

The Role of the Strategic Commissioning Process in shaping the future of our services

Strategic Commissioning is a core component of the HSCP's approach to understanding how the needs of our population is changing, and how health and social care services in Renfrewshire need to respond.  We recognise that this process cannot be carried out in isolation but must be delivered collaboratively. We are also committed to delivering commissioning effectively and have created an expanded commissioning team to support our work.​

Consideration of current approaches to commissioning has been a key strand of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care.  The HSCP is highly supportive of identifying ways to improve how we commission and will work to adopt agreed recommendations. 

Market Facilitation Principles

In summary, our future Market Facilitation Plan will reflect:​

  • Available data on projected drivers of demand​

  • The importance of collaboration and co-production in market shaping​

  • Our themes, with a focus on investing in 'Healthier Futures' and 'Connected Futures'​

  • Our financial plan and continued financial constraints


Next section: 

Lead Partnership Responsibility - Services hosted by Renfrewshire HSCP

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