Services hosted by Renfrewshire HSCP


Renfrewshire HSCP is responsible for the strategic planning and operational budget of all issues relating to Podiatry across the six Health and Social Care Partnerships within NHS GGC. Podiatrists are health care specialists in treating problems affecting the feet and lower limbs. They also play a key role in keeping people mobile and active, relieving chronic pain and treating acute infections.​

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde employs approximately 180 podiatrists (excluding vacancies) in around 60 clinical locations spread across the six Health and Social Care Partnerships. 

The Podiatry Service currently (Nov 2021) provides care to around 22,000 patients across the NHSGGC Board area

Key priorities for the Podiatry service include:

  • Supporting person-centred care through development of feedback mechanisms.
  • Delivering a new virtual patient management approach.
  • Delivering efficient and value management through service analytics and quality, and ensuring the right shape for the team
  • Reducing the incidence of avoidable pressure damage by 20% by December 2022.

Primary Care Support

Primary Care Support (PCS) is also hosted by Renfrewshire HSCP. The team works across NHS GGC to support GP and Community Optometry primary care contractors. This includes managing contracts and payments, any changes to practices, linking with eHealth and Premises on support to contractors, and working with HSCPs on future planning and the Primary Care Improvement Plans (PCIPs).  

The PCS team works with over 1300 GPs and over 700 Optometrists and their staff, across 234 GP Practices and 181 Optometry practices. 

Priorities for the period 2022-25 include:

  • Supporting COVID recovery 
  • Implementation of significant new national IT systems
  • Ongoing support to practices with Transforming Nursing Roles and General Practice Nurse and Advanced Nurse Practitioner development.
  • Supporting GP Clusters and Quality Improvement.  
  • Improving data on outcomes, workforce and activity 
  • Continued redesign across the six Primary Care Improvement Plans and implementing current and future national GP contract changes. 
  • Further development of shared care and interface approaches between Community Optometry and Ophthalmology. 


Next section: 

Monitoring and evaluating our progress​

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