The annual Recovery Walk Scotland event will take place this year in Paisley on Saturday 24 September.

The event organisers, Scottish Recovery Consortium (SRC), are working closely in partnership with Renfrewshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership and other key partners to ensure that Recovery Walk Scotland returns bigger and better than ever for 2022, with this years theme being Connected and Caring.
The event will involve the annual Roses Ceremony, this time taking place in the White Cart at 11.00am, where roses will be placed in the river to remember the terrible loss we have all experienced from the increasing number of people dying from drug and alcohol related causes and suicide in Scotland.
This will be followed by a procession through Paisley town centre where thousands of people will, by becoming visible, show that recovery is not only possible, it is a reality.
The event will culminate with a wide range of stalls and activities in the Recovery Village and Festival outside the town hall.
BBC Radio Scotland DJ Vic Galloway will be hosting our main stage, which will also feature a number of performances by artists from across Scotland.
The event is free to everyone in recovery and anyone who supports recovery and free burgers, tea & coffee will be provided by Rapid Relief Team throughout the day.
For more information:
Please follow the social media pages - Recovery Walk Scotland on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Register on Eventbrite here: