We offer Self Directed Support (SDS) to anyone who is assessed as needing social care support. Through this method, you and your family can have more informed choice and control over how your social care is provided to meet your assessed needs.

SDS encourages you and your family to think about new ways of being supported or cared for by giving you control over a budget and how it is spent to best meet your assessed needs.
You will have four options on how to use your individual budget:
- you can take the budget as cash (Direct Payment)
- you select your support and the local authority has it provided on its behalf (Directing the Available Support)
- you have the local authority select your support and make arrangements to provide it on your behalf (Arranged Services), or
- you choose a mix of the three options above (Mixed Package).
SDS is offered to everyone who is assessed as needing social care support, including if you have physical or learning disabilities, if you're a carer, an older person or have poor mental health.
We receive referrals for Self Directed Support through the Adult Services Referral Team (ASeRT) 0300 300 1380.
Tel: 0300 300 1380
Mobile: 07958 010 325