Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

As we move into the busy winter period, our focus remains on delivering the best possible care to those we support. But, it is also important, now more than ever, to look after our own mental health and wellbeing. Below is a resource for our HSCP staff, which provides a helpful range of local support for mental health and wellbeing, bereavement support and money advice.

Support available for staff: 

Mental wellbeing

Maternal and Paternal Mental Health



Food Fuel and Finance


Lets Talk About....Staff Wellbeing Webinars

The "Let's Talk About... Staff Wellbeing" webinar series has been running since September 2022, offering short, informative sessions focused on various important topics related to personal health and wellbeing. These sessions are delivered live on MS Teams at the end of each month. For those who cannot attend the live sessions or wish to rewatch them, recorded sessions are available on SharePoint.

Winter Wellbeing Webinar

Explore strategies to thrive in winter, boost your energy, and lift your mood during the cold, dark days

Personal Wellbeing Plan

Taking care of ourselves is crucial, especially when we are responsible for looking after others. Use this animation, wellbeing planning tool, and e-module to create a unique plan for maintaining your health and protecting your wellbeing.

Peer Support Network

Peer Support is now available for all NHS and Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) staff across Greater Glasgow and Clyde as a way to support our colleagues. When people feel supported and heard, it positively impacts their wellbeing and resilience. Peer Support provides a space to make sense of recent experiences, which can help in managing difficult situations. It acknowledges and understands that stress and struggles are a normal part of life.

Quit Your Way - Stop Smoking Support

Quit Your Way stop smoking services offer free information, advice, and support, including nicotine replacement therapy, to those who want to stop smoking.

Active Staff

The Active Staff Programme was set up to protect and promote health in the workplace by providing a range of free opportunities for all NHSGGC/HSCP staff to engage in activities that support good mental and physical health.

Womens Health

Over 50% of Scotland's population are women, and there are 32,344 women working for NHSGGC. Throughout her life, women and girls experience various health needs and risks that are different from men.


Mental wellbeing

National and Local Helplines 

Anxiety UK

Offers support, advice, and information on all anxiety, stress, and anxiety-based depression conditions.

  • Call: 03444 775 774
  • Open: 9.30am - 5.30pm, Monday - Friday (except bank holidays)

Breathing Space

A free confidential phone and web-based service for people experiencing low mood, depression, or anxiety for people aged 16+

  • Call: 0800 83 85 87
  • Weekdays: Mon - Thurs 6pm - 2am Weekend: Fri 6am  - Sun 6pm  

NHS Living Life

The Living Life service offers support to people in Scotland through cognitive behavioural therapy. You can refer yourself for an assessment.

  • Call: 0800 328 9655
  • Mon-Fri 1pm - 9pm

Papyrus Hopeline UK

HOPELINE247 advisers want to work with you to understand why thoughts of suicide might be present. They also want to provide you with a safe space to talk through anything happening in your life that could be impacting on your or anyone else's ability to stay safe.

For children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide or for anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide

  • Call: 0800 068 4141 (24/7)
  • Text: 07860039967
  • Email:


A free and confidential support helpline available to anyone, any age

  • Call: 116 123 (24/7)


Shout is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.

  • Text: Shout to 85258

Talktime Scotland

Provides free counselling and emotional support to young people aged 12-25 with a physical disability and long-term health conditions living in Scotland

LGBT Helpline

Provide information and emotional support to the entire diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community across Scotland, including queer, intersex, asexual people and all identities under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella. This includes the families, friends and supporters of LGBT people, and health and social care professionals working with LGBT people.

  •  Call: 0300 123 2523
  •  Tues-Wed 12pm - 9pm, Thurs 1pm - 6pm & Sunday 1pm-6pm

Useful websites

Heads Up

Offers mental health advice and information on mental health conditions

  • Provides guidance on how you can support yourself or the people you care for
  • Provides information on the range of interventions available

Mind to Mind

If you're feeling anxious, stressed, or low, or having problems sleeping or dealing with grief - find out how you can improve your mental wellbeing by hearing what others have found helpful.

NHS Inform

Provides trustworthy Scottish health information and advice to keep yourself safe

Staying Safe

Provides information and videos to help individuals who are struggling with suicidal thoughts

Rethink Mental Illness

Provides mental health information for those from an ethnic diverse background.


A specialist mental health and wellbeing support organisation for black, minority ethnic, asylum seeker, refugee, and migrant women and girls (12+).

National Wellbeing Hub

Support for health & social care employees and unpaid carers.

Time for Talking: Renfrewshire Council Staff

A specialist Psychological Wellbeing and Therapy organisation dedicated to Psychological Resilience & Positive Mental Health.

Free Apps

Sleepio App

Free App for people 18+ to help with sleep

Daylight App

Free App for people aged 18+ to help with anxiety or worry.

SAMH - Time for You

Online mental health and wellbeing support for anyone aged 16+.

Stay Alive App

Free app that provides tools to help individuals stay safe in a crisis.

Time for Talking App

A specialist Psychological Wellbeing and Therapy organisation dedicated to Psychological Resilience & Positive Mental Health.

Maternal and Paternal Mental Health

Refers to the parent's mental health during pregnancy and the first year after birth.

National Helplines

PANDAS Foundation UK

Provides support to parents and their networks who need help with Perinatal Mental Illness.

  • Call: 0808 1961 776
  • Open Monday to Sunday 9am - 8pm


Support for crying and sleepless babies

  • Call: 08451 228 669
  • Lines open 7 days a week 9am-10pm
  • Website offers information and resources.


Maternal Mental Health Scotland

Provides information to women affected by perinatal mental health issues, their partners, families, and the general public.

NHS Inform

LGBTQ+ Paths to Parenthood information if you are having a baby.

Rainbow Families

Events, information, and support for LGBTQ+ families.


National and Local Helplines 

Beautiful Inside And Out

A Scottish registered charity, supporting bereaved parents and siblings of suicide victims.

  • Call: 07984328808

Bereavement Trust Helpline

  • Call: 0800 435 455
  • Available 6pm-10pm every evening.

Cruse Bereavement Support

Helpline run by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief.

  • Call: 0808 808 1677
  • Monday & Friday: 9.30am-5pm
  • Tuesday - Thursday: 9.30am-8pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: 10am-2pm

Caledonia Cremation

Not-for-profit funeral directors. Offer dignified and caring, direct cremations nationwide and support bereaved people experiencing hardship

  • Call: 03000 11 33 01
  • Open Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Marie Curie Scotland

Free helpline to anyone affected by the death of a loved one at any time in their life.

  • Call: 0800 090 2309

Renfrewshire Bereavement Network 

If you are experiencing loss or dealing with grief following the death of someone close to you, or the loss of something that is important to you, you can get support from our network.

  • Call: 0800 038 6020
  • Fill in self-referral form on the website 

National and Local websites 

NHSGGC Bereavement Support

Provides helpful information on practical issues and signposts to a range of other organisations and supports.

Social Security Scotland Funeral Support Payment

Funeral Support Payment helps pay for funeral costs if you live in Scotland. You can use the payment towards funeral costs for a baby, child or adult. This includes babies who were stillborn.


The Relationship Helpline

Provides someone to talk to about a relationship problem

  • Freephone: 0808 802 2088
  • Mon-Thurs 9am - 9pm, Fri 9am - 4pm


Provides useful information on relationships and mental health.

Food Fuel and Finance


National and Local websites 

Home Energy Scotland

Expert advice on saving energy, keeping warm at home, and information on funding options, grants, and interest-free loans.

  • Freephone: 0808 808 2282
  • Mon-Fri 8am - 8pm, Sat 9am - 5pm
  • Please note lines are very busy during weekends & evenings.

Scottish Government Cost of Living Campaign

See individual groups/services for the referral process.

Renfrewshire Council Cost of Living Page

Resources/signposts to help with the cost of living.

Engage Renfrewshire

Resources for cost of living increases.

Independent Food Aid Network

Available to all, self-referral.

Social Security Scotland Support Entitlements

The site lists the wide range of payments that are currently available alongside eligibility criteria.

  • Provides various support options such as Best Start Grant, Carer's Allowance Supplement, Job Start Payment, etc.

Period Products

Get free period products sent to your home, public venues, and community organisations across Renfrewshire.

All About Money: NHS Staff

Designed to enable staff to access information and support on a range of issues, including home energy savings and budgeting, childcare, social security benefits, caring responsibilities, and information from the NHS Credit Union.

NHS Credit Union, Supporting Carers' Health and Wellbeing & Supports for In-Work Poverty

Discover financial services and supports available for staff, including help with in-work poverty and resources for carers


To find out more around Staff Health Strategy and priorities please visit Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership - Staff Health (


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