If you are suffering from mental health problems, help is available from our Intensive Home Treatment Team (IHTT).

Our team of psychiatrists, community psychiatric nurses and occupational therapists, offer treatment, care, information, advice and support for those with mental health problems and their carers.
You'll usually be referred to the IHTT by your GP or another health or social care worker. We'll then assess your health needs and a decision will be made as to how we can best support you.
This could mean that you move back to your GP, with a recommendation from us on what would best support your recovery. Alternatively, you may remain with the IHTT for assessment and/or short-term support to help you on the road to recovery.
If we are best placed to support you, we will arrange an emergency assessment. This could be at the Charleston Centre, Dykebar Hospital or the accident and emergency department at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
Your GP or another health or social care worker will usually refer to the IHTT.
Charleston Centre
49 Neilston Road
Tel: 0141 487 2837
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 9am- 8pm
Weekends and public holidays 9am-5pm