This service is provided by health and social care workers offering treatment, care, information, advice and support for you and your carer.

Our team has a range of professionals with a variety of expertise and includes a psychiatrist, psychologists and cognitive behavioural therapists, community psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, community development workers, support workers and administrative staff.
We usually receive referrals from your GP or another health or social care professional. Once we've received your referral, our team will carefully assess your health needs and decide where and how we can best support you. This could mean that we move your care back to your GP, with a recommendation for the primary care approach that would best support your recovery.
Alternatively, you may stay with our service for assessment and/or brief interventions to help you on your road to recovery.
You may also stay with our service for longer-term support and care, which will be regularly reviewed by the multidisciplinary team.
Referrals to our service will come from your GP or another health or social care professional.
Paisley Community Mental Health Team
Charleston Centre
49 Neilston Road
Tel: 0300 300 0216
Renfrewshire Community Mental Health Team
Abbeymill Business Centre
Studio 1001-1011
Mile End Mill
12 Seedhill Road
Tel: 0141 849 2200
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm