There are two Local Authority Care Homes - Hunterhill and Renfrew

The local authority care homes are operated by Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership, providing residential care for Older People. Each care home has 5 houses, each with 12 ensuite bedrooms, enabling a total of 60 residents to live in the care home. Each house a lounge, dining area, servery, and additional seating area. The care homes have spacious garden areas with log cabins and activity areas.
- The care homes have 2 floors with houses located on the ground and first floors
- The care homes have level access at their entrances and are accessible for people with reduced mobility
- There are lifts available in both care homes
- Ample parking is available at both care homes
- Bedrooms are freshly decorated in neutral colours, with non slip flooring and modern furnishings
- Each bedroom is thoughtfully furnished with a profile bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, chair and flat screen television
- Each bedroom has an ensuite with toilet, wash hand basin and level access shower
- Residents are encouraged to bring small personal belongings to support them to feel at home in their bedrooms, such as pictures, collectables. plants, music players, etc
- Residents are welcome to decorate their rooms to their preferred paint colours, although we are unable to have wallpaper in the bedrooms
- Electrical items will be PAT checked before use
- Bedding and towels are provided
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all served in the dining area of each house
- Residents can choose to dine in their bedroom
- There are dedicated cooks and catering staff
- The menus consider choice, balanced diets and variety
- Preferences, dietary requirements and favourites are all considered in planning the menus
- All menus are reviewed by a nutritional service operated by the council
- Snacks and drinks are available throughout the day and night
- There are full time Activities Coordinators based in each care home
- Residents are encouraged to take part in a range of activities both in the care homes and in the local community
- Regular entertainment is provided by singers and musicians
- Activities are focussed on fun and positive experiences
- Emphasis is placed on movement and the promotion of residents health and wellbeing
- Daily activities include games, singing, dancing, gardening, craft work
Call System
- Modern call systems are fitted throughout the care homes, with access to the call system in every bedroom, ensuite and all common areas of the care home
- Support can be called upon at any time, day or night
- Telephone points are no longer provided in resident bedrooms, however telephone contact can be made through the main care home and cordless phones are available for receiving calls
- Residents are welcome to bring their mobile phone and will be supported to use these as required
- Wifi is available throughout the building for residents who wish to use technology for communications and internet access
- Housekeepers ensure all bedrooms and common areas of the care home are maintained to a high standard at all times
- All staff adhere to our infection prevention and control procedures
- A laundry service is provided to ensure residents clothes are kept fresh, clean and ironed - this is done in our onsite laundry
- Residents are requested to make private arrangements for dry cleaning and any items that require special washing instruction
- Bedding and towels are changed regularly and laundered in our onsite laundry
- The care homes each have a unisex salon, with a visiting hair stylist who does hair cutting, hair styling, hair colouring and perming
- The care homes have a snacks/drinks trolley operated by volunteers
- Clothes and other items are available to purchase through the internet with support as required
- NHS visiting chiropody services visit the care homes
- It is also possible to have privately arranged chiropody services visiting
- Relatives and friends are always welcome to visit residents
- It is respectfully requested that mealtimes or unsociable hours are avoided, without prior arrangement
- Visits from well behaved pets are welcome
- Smoking is permitted in designated areas indoors and outdoors
- Vaping is restricted to the designated smoking areas indoors and outdoors
Short Breaks/Respite
- The care homes are able to provide placements for permanent residents
- The care homes are not registered to provide short breaks/respite
Hunterhill Care Home
Blackford Road
Tel: 0300 300 0214
Manager: Christopher Smith
Manager email:
Care Inspectorate Reports - Care Inspectorate - Hunterhill Care Home
Renfrew Care Home
72/74 Cockelsloan
Tel: 0300 300 0213
Manager: Patricia Weatherall
Manager email:
Care Inspectorate Reports - Care Inspectorate - Renfrew Care Home