We can help when an assessment of need determines that it is appropriate for someone to move into a care home

If all the options that might assist you to stay in your own home have been considered and a care home is deemed necessary to meet your assessed care needs, the next step will be to find a suitable home.
There are many different care homes and you should have a choice about which one you move into, as long as the accommodation is available and suitable for your assessed needs. This will be determined by your assessment of needs, and the agreement of the person in charge of the accommodation. If you are seeking financial support towards the cost of your care, it must not cost more than would usually be expected for someone with your assessed needs.
When we arrange your care home, we'll ask you to identify your preferences, but it may not be possible to move into the care home of first choice straight away. If it is not possible for you to wait, it would be expected that you move to an interim care home placement, whilst awaiting availability in your care home of choice.
If you are in hospital and we are arranging your care home to facilitate discharge, we will assist in finding an appropriate care home placement for admission on the date you are ready for discharge from hospital. This will be done in consultation with you and any representative you choose to assist. This may mean you are not able to move to the care home of your choice at first, however you will able to apply for a placement at your care home of choice when there is availability. It will not be possible for you to remain in hospital after the date you are ready for discharge.
Where you are able to make your own arrangements and completely fund the costs of your own care, you can apply directly to any care home of your choice. However, you should still get in touch with us, as we may be able to provide more information about your choices and options.