We have prepared answers to some of the more common questions we are asked about this development.
What is being done to improve call waiting times at the existing GP Practice?
Bishopton Medical Practice are aware of the challenges around call waiting times and are actively looking at affordable ways to improve the situation for patients. Earlier this year, they undertook analysis of call data to the practice, using data provided by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. This has helped the practice identify where the highest call volumes were occurring throughout the day and week.
The findings from the analysis have resulted in the decision to recruit a new Patient Services Coordinator, who joined the practice in mid-April, 2023. It takes two months to correctly train someone new to this multifaceted role, during which time they work alongside experienced colleagues. The new Patient Service Coordinator is due to complete their training by the end of June and will be providing additional telephone coverage from the beginning of July.
We hope the addition of this new resource will help reduce call waiting times for people trying to contact the practice.
An agreement between NHSGGC and the Practice will see this analysis exercise repeated in the forthcoming winter, when call volume is at its highest.
It should also be noted that it might sometimes be quicker and easier for some registered patients to walk into the practice to make appointments, book repeat prescriptions, etc, rather than waiting on the phone and adding to the volume of people in call queues. This should be encouraged locally, where possible.
What has been done to ensure the building is appropriately sized?
The new facility has been designed to accommodate an accurate projection of the population growth for the area. This has been tested against the most recent, independent projection of local population growth, which includes recent changes to the original planned house numbers in the area. Together with the existing Health Centre in Bishopton, which has recently been refurbished to add to its capacity, these two facilities will make best use of the primary care estate within the local area.
What has been done to futureproof this facility for the community?
The proposed design for the satellite facility uses the current projected population increase in the area. However, it has flexibility built in and could be further extended to create additional capacity to address any future population increase, if required.
Why not build the extended building now rather than wait?
The extra costs of heating, lighting and maintaining a larger space than is needed would add a significant number of unnecessary overheads and running costs to the new facility, with no benefit to those who will be using the space. This could potentially impact the delivery of some services or reduce the number of clinical staff available to serve the local community.
When will the new facility be open?
The current estimate is for the building to be open by late Summer 2025.
The plans show landscaped areas surrounding the proposed site. How do you intend to maintain these areas once the facility is open?
Landscaping within the NHS site ownership will be maintained by NHS Estates. The wider areas surrounding the NHS site are being developed by BAE Systems. We understand these will be maintained by either Renfrewshire Council or a private factor.
Will there be a new GP Practice in the new building?
Bishopton Medical Practice will operate from both sites, with a range of community health services being delivered by the HSCP in both facilities.
Why will there not be a new GP Practice?
Bishopton Medical Practice have all the local area expertise and have the ability and reputation to attract new clinicians / staff to grow their team going forward. Larger GP Practices can have more stability and can therefore offer better continuity of service to their patients, even when something goes wrong.
Will there be more GPs?
The Practice will actively look to recruit GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP), & Practice Nurses (PN) to accommodate the increase in patient numbers.
What is the intended telephone system for the new facility?
The current telephone system will be used across both facilities, ensuring a single point of contact and seamless experience for patients. It is expected that, as the Practice grows, the number of Call Handlers being employed and trained will increase proportionately to meet the increasing demand.
Will the method to request an appointment remain the same?
The method of requesting and being allocated an appropriate appointment will remain the same, with existing triaging and prioritisation being used to effectively manage and allocate appointments.
Will I be able to choose which building I go to for an appointment?
Bishopton Medical Practice will not immediately fill the new facility, but instead will grow into it as required over a phased period, co-located alongside a number of HSCP services. As both facilities start to fill, and where possible, an attempt will be made to ensure that across any given week there will be at least one GP, ANP, and PN in both sites. This should allow some, but not total, flexibility for patients when seeking an appointment.
Will I be able to choose which building I go to for prescriptions / paperwork?
Initially, all paperwork and prescriptions will be handled at the Bishopton Site.
If I move from Bishopton Village to Dargavel Village, will I have to change GP Practice?
Bishopton Medical Practice catchment area for patient registrations is PA7. This means that any resident of Bishopton Village or Dargavel Village will be able to register. A PA7 patient will only be required to change their GP if they move outwith the PA7 postcode area.
Will there be facilities for safe bike storage?
Yes. A covered bike shelter will be available for the public use. In addition, there will be further covered bike storage for staff.
Will there be facilities for charging electric cars?
Yes. There will be four electric car charging bays installed for staff and public use. Final arrangements for car charging will be confirmed closer to the building being opened. As with many other public car charging facilities, the NHS is currently reviewing its policy around free car charging.